
Lion head goldfish / ranchu goldfish

Lion head goldfish is One of the most popular and gorgeous fish in goldfish family. Different body shapes gives them a special look  Upper part of the body is like a bow . Only two species have no dorsal fin, one is bubble eyes goldfish and another is lion head goldfish. Without dorsal fin and bow shaped gives them a special beautiful look , another specialty is big head and short size tail.  Due to big size head,  this species are named lion head goldfish.  This species needs some special care , some essential 👌 guidance and tips are given below.   1) avoid to use sharp aged gravel stone.  2) avoid to use sharp aged objects.  Like rock,  toys, plastic plants etc.  3) avoid to use any cave or model. Fishes may trapped in model or cave holes.  4) they need more oxygen than other goldfish. You have to maintain proper oxygen supply in your aquarium.  5) lion head goldfish are very sensitive about amonia and nitrate problems, so b...

গপ্পি মাছের চাষ

  বর্তমান সময়ে খুব সহজেই গাপ্পী মাছের চাষ করে স্বাবলম্বী হওয়া যায়। খুব সহজেই আপনি আপনার বাড়িতে অল্প সময়ে কম জায়গায় এই মাছের চাষ করে প্রচুর টাকা রোজগার করা পারবেন। বর্তমান সময়ে বেশিরভাগ মানুষ বাড়ীতে ছোট সাইজের অ্যাকুয়ারিয়াম রাখা পছন্দ করেন, কারন জায়গায় অভাব , তাই বাজারে gappi মাছের চাহিদা দিন দিন বেড়েই চলেছে। এই সময় আপনি যদি এই মাছের চাষ ভালো ভাবে করতে পারেন তাহলে খুব সহজেই আপনি প্রতি মাসে প্রচুর টাকা রোজগার করতে পারবেন। এই মাছ সরাসরি বাচ্চা দেয়, তাই এই মাছের চাষ করা খুবই সহজ। বাড়ীর মা বোনেরা বাড়িতে থেকেই এই মাছ চাষ করতে পারেন।  আমি আমার দীর্ঘ ৩৫ বৎসরের অভিজ্ঞতায় দেখেছি, এই মাছ চাষ করে যদি আপনি নিজেকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করতে চান, তাহলে আপনাকে কিছু নিয়কানুন মানতেই হবে না হলে আপনি এই সহজ মাছ চাষ করেও ব্যার্থ হবেন।  প্রথমেই আমি আলোচনা করব, এই মাছ চাষ এর প্রতিকূলতা বা সমস্যা নিয়ে। আপনি যদি আমার এই লেখাটি মন দিয়ে পড়েন, তাহলে আমি আপনাদের সাফল্যের ১০০ ভাগ নিশ্চয়তা দিতে পারি। আপনি হয়তো এর আগেও গাপপি মাছের চাষ করা নিয়ে অনেক কিছু জেনেছেন, কিন্তু সাফল্য পান নাই। আজ ...

How to keep guppy fish in aquarium?

  Really it's so difficult to keep guppies in aquarium. So many times we have faced the death of this guppies, and it's not just a few pieces, when the problem arise , one by one all the guppies dies. We cannot understand the cause of their death.  Some people says that guppies are not good choice for indoor aquarium. Because they are generally swimming at very upper level,  they are not swimming at middle level, it's not looking good and Another reason is sudden death of all fishes.  What do you think ?  It's true  ?           No, sir.     The causes is,   not proper maintenance.  Many people ( hobbyist) think that guppies species are equal with moly,  platy,  tetra, berb etc. But it's not.  If you want to keep guppies in your aquarium. You should also provide proper atmosphere for them.   Guppy fishes are topmost sensitive in aquarium condition ( inside homes) , but this speci...

Pearlscale goldfish or litue goldfish

  Pearlscale goldfish is the real name and the common name is Lichu goldfish. Due to extraordinary rounds shapes body of this species. The scale of this species are like pearl.  This species are very sensitive. Their body is very soft than other goldfish.  This species are generally red in color but some combo colored also available .   Litue goldfish  You have to take a good care for them.   Water 💧 : they need soft water.  Temperature : 20 to 28 digree centigrade temperature is better.  Temperament  : very peaceful.  Size  : maximum size 6 inch (including tail ) . Diet  : living food or dry foods.  Tank Mates  : any peaceful species.  Avoid plastic plants, living plants are preferable.  Avoid any sharp aged objects in aquarium.  Avoid over stocking in aquarium.  Provide sufficient aeration for them.  Very careful about filtration system.  Don't overfeed them. 

Black dolphin goldfish

  This is a black colored goldfish and this goldfish is a telescope eye variety. This variety is not very hardy , it is very soft and very sensitive. Always keep them with peaceful tank mates.  If you want to keep them in your aquarium, you have to take a good care.    How to care  :  1 ) provides proper filtration. they are very sensitive from amonia and nitrate problems.     2 ) provides sufficient aeration as they need. Aeration depends on water 💧 temperature  3) don't decorate with drift wood. Drift wood can damage their eyes and tail.  4) don't keeps any fin nippers with them. Their skin is very sensitive.  5) don't keep any carp species with them. Carp species may damage their eyes.  6) don't keeps them with any kind of big size fishes. They are very slow in movement, feeding them may very much  obstructive with big size fishes.  7) don't decorate your aquarium with any sharp aged objects. Sharp aged objec...

Syamiz algae eater

Syamiz algae eater is a fresh water fish. This species comes from carp family ( cyprinidae ).   Syamiz  algae eater fish are very essential and effective for your aquarium. This is bottom dwelling fish.  Origins :  this species are generally found in South East Asia,  Family : cyprinidae  water : generaly prefer soft . Temperature : preferable temperature is 18 degrees to 26 digree centigrade.  Activities :     peaceful . Social.  Diet :   no need to give them extra food. They eat various types of algae, phytoplankton, which was automatically creates in aquarium. They also eat dead fish. They can  eat small size insects and external parasites.  Carecter : they are like to stay in a group,  also they are can living in solo. Life span :  they are long living fish. in good atmosphere , on an average they can live 10 years. In my experience,  I   saw living them near 14 years. Compatibilit...

Color widow tetra

  This is a new trend color fish.  Origins comes from black widow tetra. This is a amazing colorful varaity developed by scientists.  Generally widow tetra varaity is very hard type. After comes this variety, within a few days this amazing   colorful varaity was very popular to aquarium hobbyist.    Red widow tetra  It's very easy to keep and maintain in aquarium or fish bowl also.  This variety is very peaceful. You can keep them easily, with any other  peaceful  species. Yellow widow tetra  Feeding : you can feed them any kind of aquarium fish food , but I suggest to use color enhance fish food. Color enhance food keep them more shiny.  Water : soft water 💧 is preferable, but they can alive easily in hard water.  Deep Green widow tetra  Temperature : between digree to 30 degrees centigrade temperature is better.  Lemon green widow tetra  Filtration:       you can use any kind of filt...