Aquarium heater


Aquarium heater  is a very important thing, which protects your hobby fish from cold in winter. Most fish kept in aquariums do best at temperatures between 26°C and 30°C. In winter, when the aquarium water temperature drops below 26 degrees Celsius, the fish in the aquarium are exposed to an unfavorable environment, and after a few days in this condition, the fish become sick and die.

If the temperature of the aquarium water is below 26 degrees centigrade, then the application of fish disease medicine does not work properly, the disease does not want to be cured. At this time, if you can easily control the water temperature of your aquarium by using a thermostat heater in your aquarium, the medicine will work very quickly and the fish will recover very quickly.

  I always tell all aquarium hobbyists that prevention is better than cure, so before the water temperature drops, you should put a thermostatic heater on in your aquarium so that the water temperature does not get lower than necessary. In my long experience, I have seen that if the water temperature of your aquarium does not decrease quickly, then the disease of the fish in that aquarium is much less.

  Aquarium heaters are generally of two types, the first is manual, i.e. such heaters are continuously heated and the aquarium water is continuously heated if the heater is not turned off at the right time. In the past, thermostatic heaters were not so readily available as they are now, then the temperature of the aquarium water was measured with a thermometer. Repeated measurements had to be taken and the heater had to be turned on or off, because if the water temperature was higher than necessary, the fish would die from the overheating. The second type of heater is automatic, that is, this type of heater uses a thermostatic system, this heater has a system to control the temperature as needed. You can easily increase or decrease the temperature with the regulator that comes with the heater as per your need. If you can maintain your aquarium water at a temperature of 26 degrees centigrade with a thermostatic heater. I said to keep it at 26 degree centigrade because this temperature of aquarium water is the best, but if necessary the temperature can be increased up to 30 degree centigrade, it should not be increased more.

There are very good quality thermostatic heaters available in aquarium stores now, but very expensive thermostatic heaters have accurate temperature settings. Less expensive thermostatic heaters can give a temperature of up to 2 degrees less or more For example, suppose you regulate the heater to a temperature of 26 degrees centigrade, but many times the water temperature rises or falls. or increase. There are some very expensive thermostatic heaters that use in this type of problem. Expensive thermostats are very sensitive, using these heaters the water temperature does not vary by more than .25 degrees centigrade.

Some essential information

1) Must use an aquarium thermometer to measure the temperature of the aquarium water. The exact temperature cannot be determined by touch hand on the aquarium glass.

2) Always keep the heater upright, never lying down. The thermostat system cannot function properly if the heater is left lying down.


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