Lion head goldfish / ranchu goldfish

Lion head goldfish is One of the most popular and gorgeous fish in goldfish family. Different body shapes gives them a special look 

Upper part of the body is like a bow . Only two species have no dorsal fin, one is bubble eyes goldfish and another is lion head goldfish. Without dorsal fin and bow shaped gives them a special beautiful look , another specialty is big head and short size tail.  Due to big size head,  this species are named lion head goldfish. 

This species needs some special care , some essential 👌 guidance and tips are given below.  

1) avoid to use sharp aged gravel stone. 

2) avoid to use sharp aged objects.  Like rock,  toys, plastic plants etc. 

3) avoid to use any cave or model. Fishes may trapped in model or cave holes. 

4) they need more oxygen than other goldfish. You have to maintain proper oxygen supply in your aquarium. 

5) lion head goldfish are very sensitive about amonia and nitrate problems, so be careful about filtration system in your aquarium.  Avoid very powerful  water flow through power head filter. 

6) they are very slow in movement.  Please don't keep them with any fin nippers species,  like berb,  moly,etc and don't keep with large size fishes. 

Keep them with peaceful varaity. 

7) generally this species are fatty, it will better to provide low fat food for them. 

8) keep some live plants for better health. 

9) avoid to keep them in glass bowl. 

10)  you can feed them any kind of aquarium fish food, living food or dryfood pallet food,  flake food,  graniuls food, veg or nonveg any kind of food .


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